In this short but powerful episode, we discuss why New Year’s resolutions don’t stick, the importance of checking in every day, and how naming your year sets you up for life-changing transformations.
How Crafting an Optimal Health Story Can Empower Everyday Success
In this episode, we talk about how the narrative around athletic training parallels the rest of the world, why the narrative surrounding biohacking distracts from real health concerns, and how sleep impacts the story of your brain and body.
How Changing Your Internal Food Stories Can Change You
In this episode, we talk about how finding freedom in food choices helps you shape your lifestyle story, how your transformation can inspire change in others’ stories, and how slowing down can help take your internal food story to the next level.
How to Find Stories Hiding in Plain Sight
In the next installment of the “Storytelling 7” series on the Storytelling School Podcast, we talk about why small stories matter so much, what questions help you uncover hidden stories, and what to do once you’ve found a story hiding in plain sight.
How Stand-Up Can Help Your Stories Stand Out
In this episode, we talk about the attitude to take anytime you perform or give a presentation, how you can adapt your story or Talk to different audiences, and how you can be in a completely present space before going on stage.
How Thinking Like a Magician Can Create Captivating Stories
In this episode, we talk about how closely observing your audience for clues benefits your storytelling, how you can captivate your audience with a shared experience right away, and why you need to know your audience to set the right tone from the start.
Why You Need Stakes in Storytelling
In this episode of the Storytelling School Podcast, we talk about what stakes are in storytelling and why they matter, how to identify and amplify stakes in your stories, and how to get your audience to care about your story’s outcome through stakes.
How Comedy and Storytelling Can Turn Anxiety to Empowerment
In this episode, we talk about how people are always one thought away from transforming their lives, why comedy isn’t just for laughs, and how to come unstuck if you don’t like your life story.
How Story Can Help You Cultivate Courage and Bridge Divisions
In this episode, we talk about how storytelling helps with cultivating courage and reducing fear, what questions often lead to powerful stories that can bridge divisions, and what myths can cause you to avoid sharing personal narratives.
How the Price of Admission in Storytelling Creates Deeper Audience Connection
In this episode, we talk about why coming at stories from multiple viewpoints is a powerful tool, the price you need to pay to grow and resonate with an audience, and tips for becoming a better writer and improving your stories sentence-by-sentence.
Why Storytelling Belongs in the Classroom, Boardroom, and Beyond
In this episode, we talk about how storytelling fosters connections and compassion that inspires others to act, why short-form storytelling effectively conveys messages to engage audiences, and how storytelling can help enhance emotional intelligence.
How the Power of Play Can Change a Challenging Story
In this episode, we talk about the role of choice in transforming the story of your experience, how Improv helps make for more impactful and authentic stories, and how challenging experiences can form compelling narratives.
How Sharing Raw Stories Can Provide Healing and Hope
In this episode, we talk about why personal stories serve as powerful hooks, how to use words and visual descriptions to enhance stories, and how to inspire and motivate others through telling raw stories.
How Storytelling Can Transform Awareness
In this episode, we discuss how to harness the power of storytelling to create empathy and awareness for human trafficking victims, explore how trafficking can happen in any community, and explain why it’s difficult for victims to break free from exploitation. We also highlight how we can make a difference by providing love, acceptance, and support..
How Surrender, Resiliency and Reconciliation Create Impactful Storytelling
In this episode, we talk about why you have to record your story even if you never plan on sharing it, how you can get inspiration for unusual stories from mundane situations, and how craft and intuition intertwine when preparing a Talk.
How to Turn Questions into Storytelling Opportunities: The Handshake Technique
In the next installment of the “Storytelling 7” series on the Storytelling School Podcast, we talk about how to connect questions to stories using the Handshake Technique, how to make your storytelling more natural and effective, and how to hone your storytelling skills by classifying and building story arsenals.
Shifting the Mental Health Story Within the World of Aviation (and Beyond)
In this high-flying episode, we talk about why the story around mental health in industries like aviation must change, how shared responsibility helps us adopt better stories, and how you can keep your mental health from turning into a mental illness story.
Why You Need to Tell Stories to Build Your Brand
In this episode of the Storytelling School Podcast, we talk about how storytelling creates an emotional connection and lasting memory for your brand, how it humanizes your brand and helps you build a community around it, and how to leverage platforms and measure your brand’s storytelling impact.
How Unforgettable Experiences Make for Unforgettable Stories
In this dynamic duo episode, we talk about why you must trust the story your body’s trying to tell you, how the mundane can make for great stories, and how you can generate creative story ideas and reconnect to forgotten stories.
The Power of Storytelling in Mind-Body Healing
In this mind-blowing episode, we talk about how stories can affect your physical health, hold you back or propel you forward, and help you gain clarity and motivation.
How Fierce Civility Creates Win/Win Stories
In this multifaceted episode, we talk about what influences the conflictive stories we engage in, how you can bridge from story to training in your Talk, and why simply writing the ideal Talk isn’t enough for an engaging presentation.
How Crafting Event Experiences Can Create Memorable Stories
In this multifaceted episode, we talk about developing the story within an event, the keys to getting good stories out of other people, and genuinely building confidence as a key to authenticity.
Why Mastering Eye Contact is Crucial for Storytellers
In this next installment of our Storytelling Seven series, we talk about how making eye contact helps you as a speaker or storyteller, how it serves as a bridge between you and the audience, and how to overcome the challenges of mastering eye contact.
How Humor and Storytelling Converge
In this light-hearted episode, we discuss three types of humor you can use in your speeches or stories, how to integrate and experiment with humor, and the pitfalls to avoid in using humor.
Why Your Storytelling Needs a Dash of Surprise
In this dynamic episode, we discuss the psychological impact of surprise on your audience, how to embrace the unexpected as a speaker or storyteller on stage, and how an open and flexible approach transforms your audience’s experience.
Why Every Storyteller Needs a Stack of Sticky Notes
In this colorful episode, we discuss the advantages of using sticky notes for planning stories and other events, how to choose your sticky note workspace, and two ways to eliminate confusion as you use your sticky note outline to refine and polish your presentation.
How to Begin Your Story With a Bang
In this attention-grabbing episode of our “Storytelling Seven” series, we discuss what a well-crafted hook does for your story, the different forms that hook statements can take, and how having a memorable hook impacts your audience.
Skyrocketing Your Success With Storytelling
In this special standalone episode, we discuss how one sentence of your story can change someone’s life, why it’s important now more than ever to speak up for what you believe, and how storytelling can uplevel any business.
So You Think You Want to Become a Storyteller… Amplifying Your Expansion
In the continuation of our “So You Think You Want to Become a Storyteller” series, we discuss creating a personalized development plan to master your craft, using your audience to accelerate your growth, and assessing your progress over time.
Why Authenticity Cannot Be Denied In Storytelling
In this reflective episode, we talk about the power of stories to keep you safe or imprisoned, the influence of vulnerability and authenticity in storytelling, and creating a safe space for sharing stories.
Storytelling Seven: How to Influence Your Own Story
In this bite-sized episode, we talk about how you can tease your way into influencing your own story.
How Story Affects Our Creative Identity
In this creatively-inspired episode, we talk about the origins and impact of your creativity identity, the necessity of having creative agility in our world, and upleveling your stories with relatability.
How to Craft Persuasive Stories
In this compelling episode, we dive deep into the elements that can make you a master of persuasive storytelling.
How Data and Details Can Tell Real Stories in Healthcare
In this medically-themed episode, we talk about how your memories of the deceased can change their life story, why data doesn’t always tell the full story, and how AI (artificial intelligence) influences the current and future story of healthcare.
Telling Fifty Weeks of Stories: “Mic Drop” Moments
In this special milestone episode, we give you 50 more micro soundbites to motivate and inspire even the most stuck storytellers, including more of Kymberlee’s most powerful tips and tricks of the trade.
How to Impart Life Lessons Through Educational Storytelling
In this proverbially-themed episode, we talk about why antagonists should be thanked, how awareness of your story makes a difference, and how creating a backstory can change your view on a person (and life).
How to Turn Small Talk Into Stories
In this special holiday-inspired episode, we discuss how you can take conversations about mundane things (like the weather) and make them memorable with stories.
From Storyboard to Spotlight: Your 90-Day Storytelling and Speaking Countdown
In this special behind-the-curtain episode, we discuss what you can do (and when) in the 90 days prior to giving a Talk so you can make it a huge success for yourself, your client, and your audience.
How Untold Stories Affect You
In this creativity-themed episode, we talk about how a playful approach can help you heal, why you should tell the uncomfortable stories, and how untold stories affect you.
How Pairing Stories with Music Can Open Up New Possibilities
In this music-themed episode, we talk about the stories we tell ourselves, how to keep your creativity well flowing, and the powerful influence music can have on all facets of life.
How Sharing Your Story Can Help Break Down Barriers
In this social justice-themed episode, we talk about how sharing your personal story can serve a greater good, why taking a leadership role can help your community, and how telling stories comes with great responsibility.
Why Holding Back Can Enhance Your Storytelling
In this cinematic-themed episode, we talk about using the tools of motion picture storytelling to capture your audience’s attention, how to keep them on the edge of their seats, and why it’s important to care about your characters.
How Play Can Bring Your Storytelling to a ‘10’
In this play-based episode, we talk about using Improv to build social skills, how the element of play is evergreen, and why imagination is the universal connector.
How Your Reactions Influence the Stories You Tell
In this proactive reactive episode, we talk about truth in comedy, not being precious about opportunities, and how to deal with rejection in all facets of life.
How Connections and Community Change Your Story
In this connected community episode, we talk about how technology is a tool, why reciprocity is the enemy, and how connections change a story.
When Comedy Meets Choreography in Storytelling
In this episode, we talk about what makes a joke land or fall flat, why harder doesn’t mean better, and what you should do with your ego.
How Storytelling Can Skyrocket Your Success
In this special standalone episode, we discuss how one sentence of your story can change someone’s life, why it’s important now more than ever to speak up for what you believe, and how storytelling can uplevel any business.
So You Think You Want to Become a Storyteller… Setting Up Your Story
In the continuation of our “So You Think You Want to Become a Storyteller” master series, we discuss 7 ways to transition into your story, the effectiveness of mini stories, and bridging techniques for seamless storytelling.
The Lessons We Can Learn From True Crime Stories
In this true crime episode, we talk about making dry subjects interesting for an audience, things you can do to prevent yourself from being a victim, and how the storytelling approach differs between the TV and book worlds.
How Storytelling Creates Opportunities for the Underrepresented
In this door-opening episode, we talk about the transformative power of opportunity, how storytelling can help with anxiety, and why you should be building different skill sets.
Why Saying Yes Opens More Storytelling Doors
In this affirming episode, we talk about why communication is key, how saying “yes” enriches your life, and why everyone is an Improv storyteller.
How Ripples Create Waves When You Share Your Story
In this community-building episode, we talk about finding your people, how vulnerability isn’t always about sharing something sad, and why making connections can be life-changing.
Using Storytelling to Stand Up for What Matters
In this expressive episode, we talk about embracing your worst self, if a singular voice really matters, and why things going wrong can be the best outcome.
How Doing the Unexpected Distinguishes You as a Storyteller
In this self-aware episode, we talk about why you need a “why” in your stories, how to honor truth to better serve yourself and your audience, and why being different leaves a lasting impression.
How to Captivate with Stories and Stagecraft
In this special standalone episode, we discuss compelling ways to gain and retain your audience’s attention, why your Talk should change with your audience, and why your voice should match your message.
Exploring Stories: Illuminating the Teachings Within
In this brand new master series, Exploring Stories, we discuss taking calculated risks, finding the lessons in your stories, and how to make sure they’re a perfect fit for your audience.
How to Subvert Expectations in Comedic Storytelling
In this comedy-focused episode, we talk about the difference between stand-up and Improv, reading your audience’s energy, and the key to not underselling yourself.
How Living in the World of Perspective Changes Your Stories
In this perspective-changing episode, we talk about the calm of repetition, how Meisner can be meaningful to your storytelling, and why it’s imperative to see what you’re saying.
So You Think You Want to Become a Storyteller… Slaying the Snafus
In the continuation of our “So You Think You Want to Become a Storyteller” master series, we discuss how to sidestep speaking snafus, how to finesse your storytelling structure, and why you need to pay attention to your audience.
Why Lateral Lessons Supercharge Your Speaking and Storytelling Prowess
In this supercharged episode, we discuss preparation not planning, the power of change, and why Improv is dangerous.
Viewing Stories Through the Scope of Design
In this imaginative episode, we talk about acknowledging the value of time, how decision points make for great stories, and why career ladders no longer exist.
How Relatable Stories Help You Connect With Any Audience
In this eye-opening episode, we talk about why stories belong in every field, how to be prepared for random storytelling opportunities, and why breaking the rules can create better stories.
Why Embracing the Unexpected Rewrites Your Story
In this fear-to-fearless episode, we talk about why you shouldn’t try to force things, how listening changes your voice, and why striving to be uncomfortable helps your storytelling.
How Stories Can Help You Become a Better Advocate
In this empowering health-focused episode, we talk about the strength of listening, the gift of human interaction, and how sharing your own story can help in advocating for others.
Exploring the Science of Story: Part One
In this brand new master series, the Science of Storytelling, we discuss the transcendence of storytelling, how complex narratives boost our brain function, and why suspense and struggle stories help keep your audiences’ brains engaged.
So You Think You Want to Become a Storyteller… Rehearsal Rituals
In the continuation of our “So You Think You Want To Become A Storyteller” master series, we discuss getting out of your comfort zone, overcoming resistance to rehearsal, and how to create a place for yourself where practice will seem like play.
How to Find Your Voice as a Storyteller
In this magically musical episode, we talk about being constantly and consistently aware of your audience, how the simple act of listening makes everything easier, and why variety truly is the spice of life–and storytelling!
Why Truth and Listening is Essential to Your Storytelling
In this multifaceted episode, we talk about how other perspectives can help tell your character’s story, the importance of listening, and the power of connection.
How Dissecting the Details Makes Your Storytelling Stand Out
In this theatrically-focused episode, we talk about what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to story, your responsibility to our audience, and why paying attention to changes in the public mindset can help your stories succeed.
So You Think You Want to Become a Storyteller… Public Speaking Edition
In this episode of our “So You Think You Want To Become A Storyteller” master series, we discuss ways to hook your audience and keep them engaged, why disruption can benefit your speaking style, and how storytelling can breathe life into any subject matter.
How Music Can Help You Redefine Your Internal Story
In this introspective episode, we talk about how curiosity can change outcomes, the power of internal stories, and how connecting humanity through storytelling can lead to world peace.
How Embracing Your Unique Genius Impacts You as a Storyteller
In this uniqueness-celebrating episode, we talk about how owning and embracing your fear can catapult your brand, why stirring the pot is a good thing, and how your genius isn’t necessarily your IQ.
How the Worlds of Storytelling and Design Intertwine
In this design-focused episode, we talk about how you need to connect with your stories, why storytelling is crucial to the design process, and how focusing on your audience can make or break a brand.
How Simple Choices and Superfoods Can Transform Your Health Story
In this health-focused episode, we talk about how change doesn’t have to be difficult, why sharing your story can affect someone else’s health choices, and how food affects our quality of life.
How Gestalt and Relational Horsemanship Can Change Your Life Story
In this relational episode, we talk about how stories can regulate our nervous system, why connection is more than the mind, and how horses help with trauma.
How We Can See the Ripple Effect of Our Stories
In this remarkable episode, we talk about the life-changing possibilities simple access can give, how suspense and resolution are connected, and why passion is crucial for the longevity of your stories.
How Immersion Benefits You As A Storyteller
In this immersive episode, we talk about how taking on others’ characteristics can help you overcome performance hurdles, using humor and the permission to play to connect with yourself and your audience, and how to work past fear on stage and in stories.
So You Think You Want to Become a Storyteller… How the Five Senses Enrich Your Stories
In this episode of our “So You Think You Want To Become A Storyteller” master series, we discuss how senses and emotions are complementary, why a story without senses is just a factual report, and how to avoid sensory overload in your stories.
How to Be the Champion of Your Own Story
In this plot twist episode, we talk about listening to your intuition, the argument for perseverance against all odds, and why the struggle can sometimes be its own prize.
How Hyperpremium Storytelling Can Build Trust in Your Brand
In this extreme-grade episode, we talk about how metaphors can connect to new clients, why establishing – and keeping – trust is imperative, and how tea can give you the pause you need in life.
How Living in the Moment Impacts Your Storytelling
In this truth-seeking episode, we talk about how embracing authenticity gives your storytelling a boost, why you should honor your characters, and how sharing your stories helps make things whole.
How Digging Deep Into Self Expands Your Storytelling Magic
In this imagination-expanding episode, we talk about leaning into your unique skill set, why trying new things helps expand your creativity, and how authentic emotion is a storytelling superpower.
So You Think You Want to Become a Storyteller… Why You Need a Story Arsenal
In this episode of our “So You Think You Want To Become A Storyteller” master series, we discuss why this special tool is the secret weapon that every storyteller needs, how to incorporate it into your routine, and why it will save you from the dreaded “blank page”
How Storytelling Builds Bridges Between Investors and Entrepreneurs
In this connection-focused episode, we talk about the importance of listening first, the business relationship mainstay that can change every aspect of your life, and why investing isn’t just a check.
How to Name Your Year
In this short but powerful episode, we discuss why New Year’s resolutions don’t stick, the importance of checking in every day, and how naming your year sets you up for life-changing transformations.
How to Rewrite Your Money Story
In this financially-freeing episode, we talk about the emotions of money, why your money story isn’t just about you, and how telling stories can help people move toward financial security.
How Telling Hard Stories Helps Healing Through Times of Grief
In this emotionally healing episode, we talk about how sharing your personal struggles can help others, why your connection to a story can help the audience connect, and how stories can help you through the most difficult of times.
How to Develop Your Delivery in Storytelling and Speaking
In this special standalone episode, we discuss all things delivery, including tenses and senses, techniques you can put into practice ASAP, and transitions between stories and lessons.
Creating Connections and Saving Lives Through Our Authentic Stories
In this life-changing and life-saving episode, we talk about the importance of pausing and slowing down, how sharing your story can be healing, and why you need to tell stories with purpose.